About Bisley

Bisley Workwear is part of the PIP Global family – a leader in Hand Protection and PPE. For nearly 60 years Bisley Workwear has been shaping the Australian workwear industry with unparalleled quality, exceptional service, and value for money. Today, we are expanding the Bisley brand across the globe providing workers with the ultimate in comfort, durability, and safety.
Bisley Workwear has long been regarded as one of Australasia’s most trustworthy brands, offering a comprehensive range of Workwear, Safetywear and Protective wear for both men and women. We put our customers first every time, servicing even the biggest orders with industry-best daily replenishment order fulfilments, consistent quality performance, and service that exceeds customer expectations. Our strength remains rooted in simple old-fashioned values that drove our founder.
Bisley Workwear, partners with recognised independent global testing laboratories to certify and develop garments. Using the latest in innovative technologies allows us to maintain the highest quality and compliance of our workwear, safetywear and protective wear. Bisley Workwear is leading the industry with ESG compliance initiatives. Our top partner-factories have undergone third-party SMETA 4 Pillar audits to monitor labour rights, conditions, ethics as well as environmental impact. We are listed on Sedex and have a Silver rating from EcoVadis.
Bisley Workwear is a Member of the Registered Safety Supplier Scheme

Bisley Workwear undertakes to supply only safety equipment and/or related services that fully comply with the standards and regulations and claims made relating to those products and/or related services.
Where appropriate, Bisley Workwear will maintain up to date technical files and associated documentation to ensure that regulatory compliance information can be supplied upon request.
Where products are sourced from external organisations which hold technical files relating to the products being offered, Bisley Workwear will request confirmation that these files are current, complete, contain appropriate conformity assessment information and, where relevant, regulatory compliance certificates and will take all necessary steps to confirm the validity of the compliance documentation held by that external supplier in respect of the products being sourced.
Where services are provided related to safety equipment sourced from external organisations, this company will maintain approval from the manufacturer that the services provided are assessed and approved by the external organisation.
Modern Slavery Statement
and Policy
Bisley Workwear is passionately committed to ensuring that there are no instances of Modern Slavery in our supply chain.
We have submitted a Modern Slavery statement to the UK Government. We recognise that as a global apparel company, we are responsible for our supply chain and partners working in an Ethical, Legal and Sustainable way.
We have long standing, well established relationships with our supply partners. As a result, we believe that we can work collaboratively with them to ensure that Bisley's values and stipulated standards are not only shared with but also, agreed to by our supply partners.
Bisley has a strong commitment to continually improve the lives of the people who manufacture our products. Our commitment to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 throughout our supply chain and operations is a priority for Bisley. We have spent the last 12 months reviewing and recalibrating how to a address modern slave in our supply chain, and auditing.
Bisley Workwear UK annual sales fall below the mandatory sales value required to submit a statement. We are submitting this statement voluntarily for both company consistency and to demonstrate our commitment to brands best practices.
Our intention is to be completely open and transparent in relation to our supply chain and we intend to share this with our customers.